FANTEK IN BABA, kratki igrani film - 2018 - 15 min

Čistilka srednjih let je sovražno nastrojena proti vsemu, kar ji je tuje. Nekega večera pred šolo, kjer je zaposlena, opazi izgubljenega temnopoltega dečka. Ne ponudi mu pomoči. Na poti domov ugotovi, da je v službi pozabila ključe. Vrne se do šole, ki je zdaj zaklenjena. Deček, ki je še zmeraj tam, jo poprosi za pomoč. Čistilka mu še kar noče pomagati, a mu omeni, da je v šoli pozabila ključe. Deček najde nezaklenjena vrata in s tem pot do ključev. Čistilka se omehča in pomaga fantku najti pot domov. A vse ni tako enostavno …

Boy & Hag

The main character of this short film is a narrow minded cleaner, who rejects everything she finds different. Her prejudice runs so deep that she even declines help to a lost child. When she forgets her keys, the child helps her get them back. He manages to find a way into her heart and she helps him find his way home. But things are not that simple...

Director  -  Rudi Uran

Screenplay  -  Nuša Štiglic

Camera  -  Maja Modrinjak

Steady cam  -  Rudi Uran

Sound -  Sara Ritonija

Music - Andrej Veble (Valzer)

Film editor - grading -  Rudi Uran

Make-up artist  -  Mateja Naberšnik

Executive producer -  Mateja Naberšnik

Production manager  -  Gordana Kosanič

Producer  -  Irena Kramberger Uran



The Hag - Alenka Cilenšek

The Boy - Ehigie Bor Imobisa

First Father - Viktor Meglič

Second Father - Luka Hrvatin

The cop and the male voice on the radio - David Vezjak

The female voice on the radio - Julija Vedlin



Katrina Vukan

Manja Munda

Taira-Tia Schlauer

Gordana Kosanič

Tea Schlauer

Andreja Čretnik

Mateja Naberšnik

FUTURE:OPEN - feature film - 2017 - 90 min

iPADRE, the first man, a dictator's dictator, created Padre's World. And the first woman, Eve, not from his rib, but from his ... ok, he created her according to his needs. The Word became Flesh! And it was very good! Thus, was it written by his biographer Pen Mark, a State Artist, who has covered the story since the Big Bang of Padre's World Creation.In the Locked Ward of that world, iPadre once again prepares for his comeback. As the Redeemer who first suffers and then rules for us! All he needs is inspiration. And the muse of Pure Reason brings him a New Futuristic Manifesto! The former welfare state FORTUNE, abandoned by the authorities when the first cannons roared, looks like a madhouse, filled with lunatics. iPADRE, the dictator's dictator, who rules the world with War, the world’s only hygiene, brings back a Belief in FUTURE. From the ashes of war arises the State of FUTURE! There is always war!Chicken Man is the holy animal of FUTURE! Brave as a chicken, with the memory of a fish, it follows iPadre as a sheep! The New Happiness is interrupted by Eve, this time as the reincarnation of Joan of Arc, but a temporary coup shows that the Opposition's victory is above all an opportunity to make a fool of itself! Will Eve and the Opposition end up on a cross and a stake, as usual? Despite given all the arguments, Chicken People always choose Power! Recycling Instinct! Eternal return of everything! Nothing inhuman is alien to me! Orwell's 1984 are just a Yearbook's Memories of the Future. What more can you expect?

The Army does not bring Salvation … except for Chicken Man, the collateral damage of any war ... or in the end, will the inspiration for Salvation come from Above? Will iPadre turn the White House into a Chicken Coop? Or are the People going to leave this madhouse to approach the Future in the Open after all? Are they going to enter the Stage of History? Are they going to take FORTUNE into their own hands. Instead of iPADRE? Our future is ... FUTURE: OPEN.

Director: Rudi Uran

Script: Pen Mark (Marko Vezovišek), Rudi Uran, Zoran Smiljanić

Padrisms and narrator's text: Pen Mark, iPadre's biographer

Executive producer: Veronika K. Žajdela


iPadre − Open Mark (Marko Vezovišek)

Pen Mark, the Narrator − Open Mark (Marko Vezovišek)

Eve - Prima Donna − Eva Germ

Peacefighter − Tilen Sedlak

Nurse Helga − Simona Napast

Oak − Bojan Javornik

Mariachi − David Vezjak

Pantomime − Sebastijan Lukovnjak

Ljudmila Napalm − Veronika K. Žajdela

Chicken Man − Damijan Zagoršek

Ringo − Mario Modrinjak

Boxer − Borut Batagelj

Dirty Harry Hare Krishna − Amadej Gavez

Cleaner − Bojan Sumrak

Margareta − Melita Lašič

Porca Madonna − Marisa Višnić

Mini Pantomime − Katrina Vukan

Tesla − Lojz Kramberger

Magic − Smiljan Fras

Marta − Marjeta Lužnik

Punka Madonna − Romana Bogataj Kramar

Martina − Martina Robič

It − Peter Rubin

Prima Donna − Sara Ritonija

Zdravko − Darko Bedjanič

Monika − Monika Retuznik

Also performing:

Sabrina Durović, Nenad Čuš Babič, Jasna Čuš Babič, Borut Očko, Aleš Križnik,

Aleksander Sinadinović, Jasna Šosterič, Gordana Kosanič, Darja Kramberger,

Vesna Cafuta, Jožko Vodopivec, Tatjana Ploj, Slavko Mesarec, Miran Pivec,

Robert Majerič, Romana Čuš, Uroš Zorman, Denis Verbančič, Grega Türkl,

Denis Lipovec, Marija Krivec, Marija Gutmaher, Katica Štefanovski, Anton Breg,

Anton Gradišnik, Ivica Muhovnik, Frančiška Vogrin, Franček Zajc, Jože Flakus,

Slavica Najvirt, Emilija Zadnik, Nadja Kovše, Simon Mali, Oliver Čepek, Andrej Veble,

Sabina Kozel, Kristina Rešek, Rojs family …

Director of photography: Rudi Uran

Camera operators: Maja Modrinjak, Luka Švigelj

Film editing, post production, music selection: Rudi Uran

Assistant directors: Peter Rubin, Dorian Šilec Petek

Sound technicians: Sara Ritonija, Maša Dobrina

Set decoration: Andreja Reberc Ribarič, Bojan Sumrak

Props: Jasna Šosterič, Melita Konjiček, Andreja Reberc Ribarič

Costumes and make-up: Melita Konjiček

Head technician: Janez Janža

Lighting: Rudi Uran, Dorian Šilec Petek

Organisation, production assistant: Gordana Kosanič

Translation: Pen Mark

Language editing: Ksenija Vidic

Language advisor: Chris Wherry

Production assistant: Srečko Pavlič

Transportation: Milan Čurič

Producer: Irena Kramberger Uran



POROKA - dokumentarni film -2016 - 53 min

Režija in scenarij: Rudi Uran

Nastopili so:

Darja Renata Kramberger, Lojz Kramberger, Sonja Kolenko, Martina Klobasa, Anja Rakuša, Primož Brus, Pater Jurij, Koranti iz Podvincev, Uporabniki  ZUDV Dornava ...

Kamera in montaža: Rudi Uran

Glasba v filmu: Andrej Veble, Mascara, Mario Modrinjak

Producentka: Irena Kramberger Uran

Produkcija: Studio Kramberger Uran

Dokumentarni film ”POROKA”, je zgodba o Darji in Lojzu, ki živita v Zavodu Dornava. Darja je t.i. zavodski otrok, saj je v njem že od svojega desetega leta. Pred leti pa je v Varstveno delovnem centru spoznala Lojza in postala sta neločljiva.

Njuno ljubezen in navezanost so prepoznali tudi v

Zavodu Dornava in jima omogočili skupno življenje v majhni hišici znotraj inštitucije.

Tako sta preživela nekaj let in nekega dne prišla pred vodstvo Zavoda z idejo, da se poročita, tako kot so poročeni vsi ”NORMALNI” ljudje.

Vodstvo Zavoda jima je zopet prisluhnilo in psihologinja Sonja jima je priskočila na pomoč pri organiziranju ”POROKE”.

A od tu dalje se pričnejo vrstiti zapleti, vprašanja in odgovori.

Sonja ju mora podučiti, kaj pomeni biti v ”ZAKONSKI ZVEZI”, kakšne obveznosti in dolžnosti ju čakajo.

Lojz, ki nevede rad zapravi denar na kakšni vroči liniji in ogovori vse kar je ženskega spola, težko sprejme svojo novo vlogo. Darja pa je z Lojzom dobila veliko odgovornost, saj bo poslej v celoti odgovorna zanj, kljub temu da ne zna brati in pisati.

Bosta v zakonu bolj srečna in bosta dojela smisel skupnega življenja in odgovornosti? Je ”ZAKONSKA ZVEZA” privilegij ”NORMALNIH” ljudi?

Dokumentarni celovečerni film ”POROKA”, ni samo filmski portret Darje in Lojza. Je pripoved o drugačni komunikaciji, drugačnih ljudeh, ki pa imajo enake želje in potrebe

kot t. i. ”NORMALNI” ljudje.

KDO JE Mi2 - dokumentarni film - 92 min - 2015

Režija in ideja: Rudi Uran

Mi2 so: Tone Kregar - Tonč (vokal), Jernej Dirnbek - Dimek (vokal, kitara), Egon Herman - Srajca (kitara), Robert Novak - Flik (bas, manager), Igor Peter Orač - Mali (bobni)

Spremljevalna ekipa: Drago Popovič (mojster zvoka in snemanja), Miha Lamut, Aleš Strnad (oder in oprema), Alen Vranič – Mikro – stage monitoring,Črt Birsa – luč in svetlobni efekti, Miha Gorše – klaviature

Kamera: Rudi Uran, Dejan Batista, Megi Batista, Janez Janža

Zvok: Danilo Ženko

Montaža in postprodukcija: Rudi Uran

Glasba v filmu: Mi2

Direktor filma: Dejan Batista

Producentka: Irena Kramberger Uran

Produkcija: Studio Kramberger Uran ©

Na ”terenu - koncertih” najbrž v tem trenutku najatraktivnejša in koncertno obiskana rock skupina v Sloveniji. Skupina Mi2. Kdo so možje, ki izhajajo iz majhnega mesteca Rogatec ob Sotli, da jih večina Slovencev sploh ne pozna? Zakaj se Mi2 tako skrbno izmikajo trivialnim medijem in neukim novinarjem novodobnih ”IN” oddaj in revij? Kako so lahko tako drugačni, da jih glasbeni kritiki ne znajo umestiti v slovensko rock sceno drugače kot nekaj med Lačnimi Franzi in Buldožeri? Kako lahko privabijo na tisoče mladih in starih na koncerte, na katerih družno pojejo od prvega do zadnjega komada?

In nenazadnje, kako uspejo tako enostavno skozi tekste nagovarjati zelo širok krog poslušalcev, v času ko se zdi da besedila izgubljajo pomen?

Celovečerni glasbeni dokumentarni film Kdo = Mi2?, poskuša odgovoriti na ta vprašanja. Še več. Skozi improviziran ”vroči stol”, Miha Šalehar spretno odpira intelektualno plat benda preko sogovornika Tonča in Dimeka.

Sicer pa film skrbno beleži zadnji dve leti ustvarjanja benda. To rezultira (v samo devetih tednih prodaje), najbolj prodajan album leta 2014 –


SPARKLE IN HER EYES  - TISTA NJENA ISKRICA - documentary - 71 min - 2014

Direction: Rudi Uran

Cast: Barbara Jurgec

Screenplay: Rudi Uran, Anja Rakuša

Camera and editing: Rudi Uran

Music: David Vezjak

Producer: Irena Kramberger Uran

A sparkle in her eyes” is a portrait of  Barbara, a twelve year old girl, who, because of a cerebral palsy – tetra - pharesis, is “confined” into her own body.In addition, the girl can not speak and her only communication with the world around her is enabled by a “communicator”, a little screen which reacts to her eye contact.Barbara emits the extraordinary energy which enchantes everyone who takes time for her. The camera follows her learning process and understanding of everything what she was deprived of before it was established that she was smart and  the communicator was supplied.

Using the communicator she is able to express her wishes, needs and emotionsabout the people surrounding her, and, above all, her family. Despite the fact that the institution provides her with everything she needs, she misses her family, what is recorded by a camera during her frequent visits to them. She is so persistent in her effort to learn that sometimes the ones supporting her give up sooner. The camera also witnesses her irregular visits to  primary school and contact with her peers, whom she misses a lot, and what brings her much joy. In spite of her “confined” world, Barbara embodies many bright and positive aspects of human  nature, which the rest of us “normal people” cannot or do not recognize anymore. Barbara is the challenge for all the people who have still preserved a part of humanity.

Full lenght documentary ”A sparkle in her eyes” is not only the film portrait of a girl, confined to her own body, communicating with the world through her

eye-contact, but also the story about a different way of communication, the one which is hard to prove scientifically, but which still exists. The proof of that are the people who meet Barbara and miraculously start to understand her, and simultaneously develop a deep empathy for her. The film reveals Barbara’s big will to live, and also the big willingness and patience of her guardians. The film also answers to  numerous (unpleasant) questions about the purpose of the existence of such people and their contribution to us.

With the documentary “A sparkle in her eyes” I would like to shift a tiny part of the perception of difference to the audience, as well as to stir the evaluation and assessment criteria in our personal lives.

Rudi Uran, the director and screenplay writer

ENCHANTED  INTO  INVISIBLES - ZAČARANI V NEVIDNE - a documentary - 61 min - 2013

Directed and written by: Rudi Uran  

The idea for this play is based on the original fairy-tale

The Sleeping Beauty  

In order of appearance:

KING: Ivan Terčič

QUEEN: Lara Primožič


GROWN UP PRINCESS: Slavica Tomažič

WITCH: Alojz Kramberger

PRINCE: Marko Golob

FAIRIES: Tanja Vogrinec, Vida Trofenik, Nataša Zorko

KNIGHT: Jože Korošec

HUNTER: Andrej Polajžer

COURTIERS: Peter Šeruga, Andreja Reberc Ribarič, Romana Petek, Ljubinka Horvat, Živa Ketiš  

Narrative: Vesna Likovnik Gorjup

Scene and costumes: Andreja Reberc Ribarič, Zinka Krajnc

Music, studio adaptation and technical

execution: David Vezjak  

Creative support and mentoring:

Romana Petek, Nataša Zorko

Ljubinka Horvat, Živa Ketiš  

Text, screenplay and directing of play:

Vesna Likovnik Gorjup

Camera: Rudi Uran  

Music: David Vezjak

“THE FEATHER” performed by Tresperados

Lyrics: David Vezjak / Doris Munda

Music & arrangement: David Vezjak

Editing and postproduction: Rudi Uran  

Translation: Doris Munda

Producer: Irena Kramberger Uran

Special thanks to Ms Ida Jurgec and the institution Zavod Dornava  

Not once, but today.

Not behind the nine mountains, but in the institution Zavod Dornava.

There do not live heroes but special people: Marko, Slavica, Valerija, Lojz, Tanja, Vida, Jože, Andrej, Ivan, Lara and many others. They are encouraged, taught and educated by educators and therapists: Andreja, Romana, Nataša, Ljubinka, Živa, David, Vesna … Persons with special needs have such special needs that average people do not know, understand and accept them. Their strongest need is equal to the need of every human being. It is expressed in their desire to be accepted and loved by others and also to be successful. The present documentary portrays a group of educators and residents of an institution for children, youth and adults with special needs during the creation of a theatre play. They live far away from "ordinary people" and somehow they are invisible. Due to the special features, which determine the protagonists, also the process itself, and the setting of the play

aentitled "The enchanted princess", is special.

HEAVENLY VILLAGE - NEBEŠKA VAS - feature - 2012 - 87 min

Written for the screen and directed by: Rudi Uran,

Assistant director: Peter Rubin, Composers: Adrej Veble, Skaktus, Marko Grobler, Set Designers: László Varvasovszky, Rudi Uran, Costume designers: Stanka Mikek, Irena kramberger Uran, Director of Photography and Film Editing by: Rudi Uran, Boom Operators: Andrej Veble, Dejan Primožič, Lighting Technician: Peter Rubin, Grips: Janez Janža, Catering: Žarko Novak, Production Manager: Matej Ogorevc, Producers: Irena Kramberger Uran, Rudi Uran

Cast: JON: László Varvasovszky, ANGEL: Staša Lugovski, ELA: Neža Štiglic , MARTA: Marjeta Lužnik, PRIEST: Bojan Javornik, SAMIR: Peter Rubin, MINA: Veronika Žajdela, WILLAGERS: Ela Lepener, ALEKS: Sašo Koprivec, POLONA: Tina Kovačič, VALTER: David Vezjak, BENO: Smiljan Fras, MATO: Matej Ogorevc, DR. KOTNIK: Milan Kotnik

The story of Jonah is the story of each of us who have somewhere along the life’s path lost the desire (‘the magic’) for creating and solving the seemingly impossible things and situations which give the meaning to our own existence.

Jonah, a lonely stranger who wanders round the idyllic village, is unaware that he is actually looking for this »magic«. Suddenly, he comes across Angel, his alter ego or mere aberration as a result of his illness. Together they head towards the ultimate goal – the recognition. How high is the price we pay for the so called great acknowledgments, at what time do they come and what do they bring us?

All these issues are raised in the movie Heavenly Village – to think about them and be encouraged at the same time.

MUNIRA a documentary - 2010 - 55 min

director: Rudi Uran

writing: Elvis Selimović

camera: Samir Kućanin Tesla, Rudi Uran, Elvis Selimović

music: Andrej Veble,

editing: Rudi Uran - sound: Andrej Veble

producer: Irena Kramberger Uran - coproducer: Mojca Pehant

The film portrait of Munira Subašić is the unique story about the exceptional Bosnian woman. Her everyday modest life, full of love, is changed overnight and takes her to the new, unknown world, in which she - despite numerous obstacles - finds her way. Munira Subašić symbolizes ten thousand of women. who survived the genocide in Srebrenica and is the symbol of the rest of Bosnian women. The war took her to the world unprepared and unexpectedly. Striving for truth and justice, with the sincere wish and firm will, without any fears or doubts she became the first lady of the Balkans. She became the moral and real authority, the spontaneously  chosen leader of the thousands. The Bosnian woman, the wife, the housewife, had changed into a diplomat, president, representative. Cooking was changed for meetings, the common people for the world famous diplomats, presidents, ambassadors and prime-ministers. What happens when life takes control over the human and not vice versa? What happens when "the small and unimportant "  find themselves among "the big and important "? What happens when in a Bosnian woman the Bosnian stubbornness awakes? The film offers the answers to these questions and many more. It presents Munira Subašić and the secrets of her life.

VLADA a documentary - 2009 - 53 min

Director: Rudi Uran

Cast: Vlada Divljan

Music composer: Vlada Divljan

Music performers: Vlada Divljan & Old stars bend, Kiril Džajkovski

Editing: Rudi Uran

Camera: Rudi Uran, Nenad Kuzmić, Vlada Divljan, Tania Andrea Stedelman

Sound: Andrej Veble

Producers: Irena Kramberger Uran, Andrej Veble

Vlada Divljan, a musician and an artist, who in the early 1990's, at the most agitated of times for the Balkans, left his native Belgrade and started his uncommon way of an (e)migrant. Like many other artists, he too lost his “cultural space”. Once the idol of his generation, abroad he grew into a mature creator of film music who still likes to return to the music stages in former Yugoslav countries. From a space and time distance, he critically uncovers his creative work, his country and the events imposed on him by an unpredictable destiny.



a documentary

Director: Rudi Uran

Writing: Elvis Selimovic

Original Music: Andrej Veble

Camera and Editing: Rudi Uran


Dzelaludina Pasic , Edin Ikanovic, Mirnesa Cerimovic, Sadmir Nukic

Lenght: 73”

Independent production: Kramberger & Uran